HandyGraph Overview

This graphing software produces Cartesian graphs and number lines, as in the examples.

Plot points on graph Plot Points by simply clicking on your graph. Plot points on number line
Coordinate grid Create Blank Graphs just how you want them. Number line
Inequality graph Graph Inequalities on your coordinate grid or number line. Inequalities on number line
Function graph Graph Functions of x or y.
HandyGraph also makes
logarithmic graphs and
graph paper.

Export your image to use virtually anywhere, print the graph, or view the graph interactively like a graphing calculator.

Parabola graph Put your graph in

PowerPoint, SMART Board, Word,
Blackboard, OpenOffice,
Web authoring software, . . .

or any program that accepts images.

Free 30-Day Fully Functional Evaluation
$59 Single-User License
Semester licenses, volume discounts, and site licenses are also available.
HandyGraph 2.1 is a free upgrade for licensed users of HandyGraph 2.0.

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP

Buy it now, try it yourself, or see more sample graphs.